There are two aspects to individuality. First, individuality suggests an indivisible entity. At the other hand, it indicates some differences between entities of the same kind.
An entity is formed by an externalization. Elements externalized together are mutual dependent. This dependency binds the elements of an entity together. The indivisible aspect of individuality originates from an externalization.
The difference between several individualities of the same kind suggests there is a difference in the mapping used for the externalization of the individual information.
In chapter 16, we discussed three different reasons to start a new externalization. The normal way to propagate for a new body is triggered by an excess of energy. This type of propagation does not implies a difference of instantiation but copies the stable externalization. A change in the choices for externalization to reproduce our body would imply a mutation rather than a normal propagation.
However, we notice an outspoken individuality in human beings. A possible explanation is that the human body propagates in the normal way but is controlled by some individuality of finer informatter.
Aspects of an individual which can be changed do not belong to the individuality. The impossibility to change some aspects suggest a deeper origin. A different externalization of the controlling information explains this. It is indeed not possible to change an aspect of an externalization imposed by the mapping without destroying the externalization. An attempt to change it anyway would lead to the insulation of the abstract information (loosing consciousness or death).
The will is the tendency (the need) to externalize or apply the individual information.
Remember the hypothesis made at the end of chapter 17 about the externalization history of minerals, plants, animals and man. This hypothesis can now be completed by adding controlling information originating from different externalization.
For example:
Minerals have no control structure from finer informatter.
Plants are governed by an information structure in the second oldest informatter (after normal matter).
Animals have a similar control structure as plants but the control structure is controlled by information originating from a newer externalization. This control structure information is younger and thus in finer informatter.
Human beings have a third control structure. Only this youngest structure is responsible for the individuality.
Remark that this is only a hypothesis to illustrate how the differences between these life forms could be explained by the mechanism of multiple externalizations.
Older, abandoned externalizations can maintain their structure as long they can cope with the changing environment. Mutations are only possible as far a number of more abstract levels are still in contact with the externalization. This depends on the depth of the level where the abstract information has insulated itself to start a new externalization.
When propagation is restricted to the outermost level (normal case based upon excess of energy), there are no differences and the externalization has no individuality.
The cells of a body have no individuality.
Experience gathered during the externalization affects the behavior. Although indurated experience is very difficult to change, its nature is completely different from individuality.
More in next chapter on Sensing
This is Chapter 19; Individuality and will of Behavior
of Information
Author: Luc
Claeys. All comments welcome, mail to lcl at this site:
Last updated on Nov 12, 1997