Milking Energy from the Atmosphere.

Tropical cyclones dissipate large amounts of solar-energy accumulated as temperature differences between atmosphere and the surface of the ocean.

When we find a way to discharge this accumulated energy in a controlled way, we can convert a fraction of it into electricity and reduce or even avoid the formation of raging storms.

It is a form of solar-energy which is available day and night.
The atmosphere and surface of the ocean serves as accumulator.

The project is gigantic, but the gains are gigantic as well.

  • Reduce the storms, reduce the damage, reduce the fear and the suffering from the storms.
  • Gain enormous amounts of renewable energy, enough to serve a whole country and attract energy-consuming industries.

The basic idea is to create thousands of small controlled stationary cyclones channeling air from the ocean surface to the upper atmosphere. Below each of these cyclones, there is an infrastructure which locks the position of its cyclone right there.

Once this is achieved, a fraction of the energy can be tapped from the airflow and converted to electricity.

The number and sizes of the small cyclones should be as such that the temperature differences are sufficiently low to keep the tame cyclones under control and to inhibit the formation of wild cyclones.

The energy production can continue throughout the year, regulating the controlled cyclones to avoid hurricane seasons at all. It may be necessary to shut down some of the controlled cyclones during a part of the year to keep the others steady. In stead of hurricane seasons, we will have high-energy production seasons.

Yes, it is a very ambitious project, but it is useful in many ways.

The first step is the extensive simulation of this using the already existing mathematical models of the atmosphere.
Later on, small experiments can be done outside the hurricane season to avoid triggering the formation of natural cyclones. By careful research and by comparing the mathematical models with experiments, it may be possible to realize this project without causing disasters. Who will do it first?

Problems and hints for solutions.

Controlling the size of a cyclone above the ocean.

If the capacity of drawing energy from the cyclone is large enough to reduce its size, the size can be regulated by regulating the energy pulled from it.

Also, creating cyclones close to the equator may be safer because the cyclone would die-out when the stabilization is stopped.

It may be possible to affect slightly the direction in-flowing winds as such that they have to bend in the unnatural direction when reaching the central funnel to break the extension of the cyclone.

Stabilizing a cyclone at a fixed spot above the ocean.

When the capacity to draw energy from the circumference of the cyclone is such that the position can be influenced by drawing more energy from one side, or, in case of necessity, draw energy from one side and inject it at the other side.

Obviously, interaction between controlled cyclones

Cyclones interact with each other.

Quote from Wikipedia > Fujiwhara effect

Fujiwhara effect:

When two cyclones approach one another, their centers will begin orbiting cyclonically about a point between the two systems. The two vortices will be attracted to each other, and eventually spiral into the center point and merge.


The basic idea is to form many small cyclones locked into place by controlled absorption or injection of energy at their circumferences. In its naive form this could be done by hundreds of anchored wind-mills, but there may be cheaper and more appropriate ways of stabilizing the position at fixed locations in the ocean.

It is essential that these controlled cyclones are kept small enough to be able to keep them in place, and to avoid that several of these cyclones merge into a bigger storm (which they tend to do when they are not very far from each other).

There may be a way to keep the storms very small compared to a natural storm by leading the air into a pipe of some kind while extracting a significant part of the energy by turbines right in the artificial funnel. Air outside the pipe can be lead as such that the rotation is opposite to the natural rotation to avoid that an external storm develops, which would be dangerous and a loss of energy.

Another approach is to do it very close to the equator, where storms do not form naturally because the rotation from north and south annihilate each other. When an artificial funnel brings air to higher regions intense winds may feed it without much danger of loosing control of the storm.